Electronic journals

Electronic journals

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Journals list(Overseas)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
Journals list(Japanese)

Journals list(Overseas)


Title Publisher Off-Campus
Accounting Perspectives Wiley 2002~
Accounts of Chemical Research ACS × 1996~
Accounts of Materials Research ACS × 2020~
ACS Agricultural Science & Technology ACS × 2021~
ACS Applied Bio Materials ACS × 2018~
ACS Applied Electronic Materials ACS × 2019~
ACS Applied Energy Materials ACS × 2018~
ACS Applied Engineering Materials ACS × 2023~
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS × 2009~
ACS Applied Nano Materials ACS × 2018~
ACS Applied Optical Materials ACS × 2023~
ACS Applied Polymer Materials ACS × 2019~
ACS Bio & Med Chem Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering ACS × 2015~
ACS Catalysis ACS × 2011~
ACS Central Science ACS OA 2015~
ACS Chemical Biology ACS × 2006~
ACS Chemical Health & Safety ACS × 1994~
ACS Chemical Neuroscience ACS × 2010~
ACS Combinatorial Science ACS × 1999~
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry ACS × 2017~
ACS Electrochemistry ACS × 2025~
ACS Energy Letters ACS × 2016~
ACS Engineering Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Environmental Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS ES&T Air ACS × 2024~
ACS ES&T Engineering ACS × 2021~
ACS ES&T Water ACS × 2021~
ACS Food Science & Technology ACS × 2021~
ACS Infectious Diseases ACS × 2015~
ACS Macro Letters ACS × 2012~
ACS Materials Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Materials Letters ACS × 2019~
ACS Measurement Science Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters ACS × 2010~
ACS Nano ACS × 2007~
ACS Nanoscience Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Omega ACS OA 2016~
ACS Organic & Inorganic Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science ACS × 2018~
ACS Photonics ACS × 2014~
ACS Physical Chemistry Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Polymers Au ACS OA 2021~
ACS Sensors ACS × 2016~
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ACS × 2013~
ACS Sustainable Resource Management ACS × 2024~
ACS Synthetic Biology ACS × 2012~
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology IOP × 2015~
Analytical Chemistry ACS × 1996~
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Wiley 1996~
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Wiley 1997~
Applied Physics Express IOP OA -
Artificial Photosynthesis ACS OA 2025~
arXiv Cornell University OA -



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Biochemistry ACS × 1996~
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Bioenergetics Elsevier 2003~
Bioconjugate Chemistry ACS × 2015~
Biofabrication IOP × 1996~
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics IOP × 2015~
Biomacromolecules ACS × 2000~
Biomedical Materials IOP × 2015~
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express IOP × 2015~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
C&EN Global Enterprise ACS × 2016~
Chem & Bio Engineering ACS OA 2024~
Chemical & Biomedical Imaging ACS OA 2023~
Chemical Research in Toxicology ACS × 1996~
Chemical Reviews ACS × 1996~
Chemistry of Materials ACS × 1996~
Chinese Physics B IOP × 2015~
Chinese Physics C IOP × 2015~
Chinese Physics Letters IOP × 2015~
Classical and Quantum Gravity IOP × 2015~
Communications in Theoretical Physics IOP × 2015~
Computers & Education Elsevier 2003~
Contemporary Accounting Research Wiley 1997~
Crystal Growth & Design ACS × 2001~



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Econometrica Wiley 1999~
ECS Advances IOP OA 2022~
ECS Sensors Plus IOP OA 2022~
Electronic Structure IOP × 2015~
Energy & Fuels ACS × 1996~
Engineering Research Express IOP × 2015~
Environment & Health ACS OA 2023~
Environmental Research Communications IOP OA 2019~
Environmental Research Letters IOP OA 2006~
Environmental Research: Climate IOP OA 2022~
Environmental Research: Ecology IOP OA 2022~
Environmental Research: Health IOP OA 2023~
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability IOP OA 2021~
Environmental Science & Technology ACS × 1996~
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ACS × 2014~
EPL IOP × 2015~
European Journal of Operational Research Elsevier 2003~
European Journal of Physics IOP × 2015~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Flexible and Printed Electronics IOP × 2016~
Fluid Dynamics Research IOP × 2015~
Forest policy and economics Elsevier 2003~2016
Functional Composites and Structures IOP × 2019~
Fuzzy Sets and Systems Elsevier 2003~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Games and Economic Behavior Elsevier 2003~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Health Economics Wiley 1996~
Health informatics journal SAGE OA 1995~




Title Publisher Off-Campus
JACS Au ACS OA 2021~
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics IOP × 2015~
Journal of Accounting Research Wiley 2001~
Journal of Advanced Nursing Wiley 1997~
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ACS × 1996~
Journal of Breath Research IOP × 2015~
Journal of Business Research Elsevier 2003~
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ACS × 1996~
Journal of Chemical Education ACS × 1924~
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling ACS × 1996~
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation ACS × 2005~
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics IOP × 2015~
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management Elsevier 2012~
Journal of Food Science Wiley 1997~
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Elsevier 2006~
Journal of Instrumentation IOP × 2015~
Journal of Interactive Marketing Elsevier 2003年~
Journal of International Economics Elsevier 2003~
Journal of Macroeconomics Elsevier 2003~
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ACS × 1996~
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering IOP × 2015~
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health Wiley 1996~
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Wiley 2007~
Journal of Natural Products ACS × 1996~
Journal of Neural Engineering IOP × 2015~
Journal of Optics IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics Communications IOP OA 2017~
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physicss IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter IOP × 2015~
Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP OA 2004~
Journal of Proteome Research ACS × 2002~
Journal of Radiological Protection IOP × 2015~
Journal of Retailing Elsevier 2003~
Journal of Semiconductors IOP × 2015~
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment IOP × 2015~
Journal of the American Chemical Society ACS × 1996~
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry ACS × 1990~
Journal of the Electrochemical Society IOP × 2015~
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Elsevier 2003~
Journal of Topology Wiley 2008~
JPhys Complexity IOP OA 2020~
JPhys Energy IOP OA 2019~
JPhys Materials IOP OA 2018~
JPhys Photonics IOP OA 2019~



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Langmuir ACS × 1996~
Laser Physics IOP × 2015~
Laser Physics Letters IOP × 2015~
London business school review Wiley 1997~2019



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Machine Learning: Science and Techonology IOP OA 2020~
Macromolecules ACS × 1996~
Materials for Quantum Technology IOP OA 2021~
Materials Futures IOP OA 2022~
Materials Research Express IOP OA 2014~
Measurement Science and Technology IOP × 2015~
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence IOP × 2015~
Methods of information in medicine Thieme × 2000~
Metrologia IOP × 2015~
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering IOP × 2015~
Molecular Pharmaceutics ACS × 2004~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Nano Express IOP OA 2020~
Nano Futures IOP × 2017~
Nano Letters ACS × 2001~
Nanotechnology IOP × 2015~
Nature Springernature 2010~
Neural computation MIT Press × 2019~2024
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering IOP OA 2021~
New Journal of Physics IOP OA 1999~
Nonlinearity IOP × 2015~
Nonprofit management & leadership Wiley 1996~
Nuclear Fusion IOP OA 2012~
Nursing&Health sciences Wiley 1999~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Omega Elsevier 2003~
Organic Letters ACS × 1999~
Organic Process Research & Development ACS × 1997~
Organometallics ACS × 1996~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Physica Scripta IOP × 2015~
Physical Biology IOP × 2015~
Physical Review A - APS × 1970~
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams - APS OA 1998~
Physical Review Applied - APS × 2014~
Physical Review B - APS × 1970~
Physical Review C - APS × 1970~
Physical Review D - APS × 1970~
Physical Review E - APS × 1993~
Physical Review Fluids - APS × 2016~
Physical Review Letters - APS × 1958~
Physical Review Materials - APS × 2017~
Physical Review Physics Education Research - APS OA 2005~
Physical Review Research - APS OA 2019~
Physical Review X - APS OA 2011~
Physics Education IOP × 2015~
Physics in Medicine & Biology IOP × 2015~
Physics World IOP × 2015~
Physics-Uspekhi IOP × 2015~2022
Physiological Measurement IOP × 2015~
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion IOP × 2015~
Plasma Science and Technology IOP × 2015~
Plasma Sources Science and Technology IOP × 2015~
Precision Chemistry ACS OA 2023~
Progress in Biomedical Engineering IOP × 2019~
Progress in Energy IOP × 2019~
PROLA(Physical Review Online Archive) - APS × -
PRX Energy APS OA 2022~
PRX Life APS OA 2023~
PRX Quantum APS OA 2020~
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific IOP × 2015~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Quantum Electronics IOP × 2015~2022
Quantum Science and Technology IOP × 2016~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Regional Science and Urban Economics Elsevier 2003~
Reports on Progress in Physics IOP × 2015~
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics IOP × 2015~
Review of Economic Dynamics Elsevier 2003~
Reviews of modern physics APS × 1929~
Russian Chemical Reviews IOP × 2015~2022
Russian Mathematical Surveys IOP × 2015~2022



Title Publisher Off-Campus
Sbornik: Mathematics IOP × 2015~2022
Science AAAS 1997~
Semiconductor Science and Technology IOP × 2015~
Smart Materials and Structures IOP × 2015~
Strategic Management Journal Wiley 1996~
Superconductor Science and Technology IOP × 2015~
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties IOP × 2015~
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Elsevier 2011~



Title Publisher Off-Campus
The Astronomical Journal IOP OA 1998~
The Astrophysical Journal IOP OA 1996~
The Astrophysical Journal Letters IOP OA 2010~
The Astrophysical Supplement Series IOP OA 1996~
The Journal of Finance Wiley 1996~
The Journal of Organic Chemistry ACS × 1996~
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ACS × 1997~
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ACS × 1997~
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ACS × 1996~
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ACS × 2010~
The Planetary Science Journal IOP OA 2020~
Tourism Management Perspectives Elsevier 2012~
Tribology international Elsevier 2003~



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus



Title Publisher Off-Campus
2D Materials IOP × 2015~


Journals list(Japanese)

Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus
電子情報通信学会技術報告 A:基礎・境界(ESS) 電子情報通信学会 × 2007~
電子情報通信学会技術報告 N:NOLTA(NLS) 電子情報通信学会 × 2007~
電子情報通信学会技術報告 D:情報・システム(ISS) 電子情報通信学会 × 2007~


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus


Title Publisher Off-Campus