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Wiley | ACS | elsevier | Taylor & Francis | IOP | AIP | Springer | SpringerNature |
NAS | The Company of Biologists | ASM | APS | RUP | AAAS | RSC | CSJ



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科学・技術・医学・ 社会科学・人文科学を網羅する世界最大級の抄録・引用文献データベース

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利用可能提供元一覧 学認
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書名 出版社(提供元) 資料ID 請求記号
Inorganic Syntheses 20 wiley 212000001 434
Inorganic Syntheses 21 wiley 212000002 434
Inorganic Syntheses 22 wiley 212000003 434
NMR of quadrupolar nuclei in solid materials wiley(ProQuest) 212000004 428.8
Principles of high-resolution NMR in solids Springer(ProQuest) 212000005 427.8
(CSJ Current Review 24)
化学同人(Maruzen eBook Library) 212000006 430
Magnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics Springer(EBSCO) 212000007 428.4
How Proteins Work CRC Press LLC(ProQuest) 212000008 464.2
Ultrafast optics Wiley(ProQuest) 212000009 425
Ultrashort laser pulse phenomena Academic Press(ProQuest) 212000010 549.9
Fundamentals of Fiber Lasers and Fiber Amplifiers Springer(ProQuest) 212000011 425
Nonlinear Optics Elsevier(ProQuest) 212000012 425
Nonlinear Fiber Optics Elsevier(ProQuest) 212000013 425
Orbital Approach to the Electronic Structure of Solids OUP Oxford(EBSCO) 212000014 428.4
Soft X-Rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation : Principles and Applications Cambridge University Press(EBSCO) 212000015 429.5
The Oxford Solid State Basics OUP Oxford(EBSCO) 212000016 428.4
Optical Properties of Solids OUP Oxford(EBSCO) 212000017 428.4
Introductory Solid State Physics with MATLAB Applications CRC Press(EBSCO) 212000018 428.4
Laser Physics OUP Oxford(EBSCO) 212000019 549.95
核融合エネルギーのきほん 誠文堂新光社(Maruzen eBook Library) 212000020 429.56
第一原理計算の基礎と応用 ―計算物質科学への誘い―(基本法則から読み解く物理学最前線 27) 共立出版(Maruzen eBook Library) 212000021 420.8
スピン流とトポロジカル絶縁体 ―量子物性とスピントロニクスの発展―(基本法則から読み解く物理学最前線 1) 共立出版(Maruzen eBook Library) 212000022 420.8
International Tables for Crystallography
A~G (2006 Edition)
IUCr OPACに反映なし

電子ジャーナル 全タイトルリスト

Springer | Springer LNCS | Oxford University Press | Taylor & Francis Online
Elsevier | Springer Nature | Wiley


書名 出版 利用可能
ILL可否 学認
2Accounting ForumElsevier▲ 2015-2018
3Accounting PerspectivesWiley2000-
4Accounting, Management and Information TechnologiesElsevier▲ 2015-×
5Accounting, Organizations and SocietyElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

6Accounts of Chemical ResearchACS1996-×
7Accounts of Materials ResearchACS2021-×
8ACS Agricultural Science & TechnologyACS2021-×
9ACS Applied Bio MaterialsACS2018-×
10ACS Applied Electronic MaterialsACS2019-×
11ACS Applied Energy MaterialsACS2018-×
12ACS Applied Engineering MaterialsACS2023-×
13ACS Applied Materials and InterfacesACS2009-×
14ACS Applied Nano MaterialsACS2018-×
15ACS Applied Optical MaterialsACS2023-×
16ACS Applied Polymer Materials ACS2019-×
17ACS Bio & Med Chem AuACSOA--
18ACS Biomaterials Science & EngineeringACS2015-×
19ACS CatalysisACS2011-×
20ACS Central ScienceACSOA--
21ACS Chemical BiologyACS2006-×
22ACS Chemical Health & SafetyACS2020-×
23ACS Chemical NeuroscienceACS2010-×
24ACS Combinatorial ScienceACS1999-×
25ACS Earth and Space ChemistryACS2017-×
26ACS Editors' ChoiceACSOA--
27ACS Energy LettersACS2016-×
28ACS Engineering AuACSOA--
29ACS Environmental AuACSOA--
30ACS ES&T EngineeringACS2021-×
31ACS ES&T WaterACS2021-×
32ACS Food Science & TechnologyACS2021-×
33ACS Infectious Diseases ACS2015-×
34ACS Macro LettersACS2012-×
35ACS Materials AuACSOA--
36ACS Materials Letters ACS2020-×
37ACS Measurement Science AuACSOA--
38ACS Medicinal Chemistry LettersACS2010-×
39ACS NanoACS2007-×
40ACS Nanoscience AuACSOA--
41ACS OmegaACSOA-×
42ACS Organic & Inorganic AuACSOA--
43ACS Pharmacology & Translational ScienceACS2018-×
44ACS PhotonicsACS2014-×
45ACS Physical Chemistry AuACSOA--
46ACS Polymers AuACSOA--
47ACS SensorsACS2016-×
48ACS Sustainable Chemistry and EngineeringACS2013-×
49ACS Synthetic BiologyACS2012-×
50Acta Crystallographica Section FWiley2005-2014
51Acta Crystallographica, Sect.AWiley1997-2018
52Acta Crystallographica, Sect.B Wiley1997-2018
53Acta Crystallographica, Sect.C Wiley1997-2015
54Acta Crystallographica, Sect.DWiley1997-2018
55Acta Mathematica ScientiaElsevier▲ 2015-2018
56Ad Hoc NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
57Advanced Composite MaterialsTaylor & Francis-1996×
58Advanced Engineering InformaticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
59Advances in AccountingElsevier▲ 2015-×
60Advances in Applied MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
61Advances in Engineering SoftwareElsevier▲ 2015-×
62Advances in International AccountingElsevier▲ 2015-×
63Advances in Life Course ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
64Advances in MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
65Advances in PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
66AEU - International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
67AIP AdvancesAIPOA--
68Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
69American Ethnologist Wiley1997-2013
70The American Journal of Clinical NutritionElsevier2023-×
71American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC)Elsevier2003-2008
72American Journal of Mathematical & Management SciencesTaylor & Francis-1996×
73The American StatisticianTaylor & Francis-1996×
74Analytical ChemistryACS1996-×
75Analytical LettersTaylor & Francis-1996×
76Angewandte Chemie International EditionWiley1996-
77Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et StatistiquesElsevier2003-2007
78Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaireElsevierOA×
79Annals of Public and Cooperative EconomicsWiley1997-2013
80Annals of Pure and Applied LogicElsevier▲ 2015-×
81Annals of Tourism ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
82AoB PLANTSOxfordOA--
83Applicable Analysis: An International JournalTaylor & Francis-1996×
84Applied and Computational Harmonic AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
85Applied ErgonomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
86Applied Mathematical ModellingElsevier▲ 2015-×
87Applied Mathematics and ComputationElsevier▲ 2015-×
88Applied Mathematics LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
89Applied Numerical MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
90Applied Nursing ResearchElsevier2003-2008
91Applied Physics ExpressIOP2009-×
92Applied Physics LettersAIP1962-×
93Applied Soft ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
94Applied Spectroscopy ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
95Archives of Psychiatric NursingElsevier2003-2008
96Artificial IntelligenceElsevier▲ 2015-×
97Artificial Intelligence in EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
98Artificial Intelligence in MedicineElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

100The Astronomical JournalIOPFree--
101Astronomy and ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
102The Astrophysical JournalIOPFree--
103The Astrophysical Journal LettersIOPFree--
104The Astrophysical Journal Supplement SeriesIOPFree--
105Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)Elsevier▲ 2015-×
106Big Data ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
107Biochemistry ACS1996-×
108Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - BioenergeticsElsevier2003-
109Bioconjugate ChemistryACS1996-×
110Biocybernetics and Biomedical EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
113Bioinspiration & BiomimeticsIOP2013-×
114Biologically Inspired Cognitive ArchitecturesElsevier▲ 2015-×
115Biology Methods and ProtocolsOxfordOA--
117BioMed CentralOA--
118Biomedical MaterialsIOP2013-×
119Biomedical Signal Processing and ControlElsevier▲ 2015-×
120Biometric Technology TodayElsevier▲ 2015-2021
122Bioscience HorizonsOxfordOA--
123BiosystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
125The British Accounting ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
126BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of MathematicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
127Bulletin des Sciences MathématiquesElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

128Bulltein of the Chemical Society of JapanCSJ1926-×
129Business HorizonsElsevier▲ 2015-×
130C&EN Global Enterprise ACS×
131Canadian Journal of EconomicsWiley2000-2014
132Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly (The Canadian Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science )Taylor & Francis-1996×
133Cancer SpectrumOxfordOA--
134Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
135Case Studies on Transport PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
136Catalysis ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
138Cell ReportsElsevierOA--
139ChanceTaylor & Francis-1996×
142Chemical & Biomedical ImagingACSOA--
143Chemical CommunicationsRSC1997-2000
144Chemical Research in ToxicologyACS1996-×
145Chemical ReviewsACS1996-×
146Chemistry and EcologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
147Chemistry LettersCSJ1972-×
148Chemistry of MaterialsACS1996-×
149Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
153China Economic ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
154Chinese Physics BIOP2013-×
155Chinese Physics CIOP2013-×
156Chinese Physics LettersIOP2013-×
157CitiesElsevier▲ 2015-×
158City, Culture and SocietyElsevier▲ 2015-×
159Classical and Quantum GravityIOP2013-×
160Clinical Kidney JournalOxfordOA--
161Clinical NeurophysiologyElsevier2003-2008
162Cognitive Systems ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
163The Columbia Journal of World BusinessElsevier▲ 2015-×
164Comments on Inorganic ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
165Communications BiologyOA--
166Communications in AlgebraTaylor & Francis-1996×
167Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical SimulationElsevier▲ 2015-×
168Communications in Partial Differential EquationsTaylor & Francis-1996×
169Communications in Statistics: Simulation and ComputationTaylor & Francis-1996×
170Communications in Statistics: Theory and MethodsTaylor & Francis-1996×
171Communications in Theoretical PhysicsIOP2013-×
172Communications on Pure and Applied MathematicsWiley1996-2014
173Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International JournalTaylor & Francis-1996×
174Composite InterfacesTaylor & Francis-1996×
175Composites Science and TechnologyElsevier2003-2007
176Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyWileyfree Access-
177Comptes Rendus MathematiqueElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-2019

178Comptes Rendus MecaniqueElsevierOA×
179Computational Biology and ChemistryElsevier▲ 2015-×
180Computational GeometryElsevier▲ 2015-×
181Computational Science &DiscoveryIOP2009-2015×
182Computational Statistics & Data AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
183Computational ToxicologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
184Computer Aided Geometric DesignElsevier▲ 2015-×
185Computer CommunicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
186Computer Fraud & Security BulletinElsevier▲ 2015-×
187Computer LanguagesElsevier▲ 2015-×
188Computer Languages, Systems & StructuresElsevier▲ 2015-×
189Computer Law & Security ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
190Computer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineElsevier▲ 2015-×
191Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
192Computer NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
193Computer Networks and ISDN SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
194Computer Physics CommunicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
195Computer Science ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
196Computer Speech & LanguageElsevier▲ 2015-×
197Computer Standards & InterfacesElsevier▲ 2015-×
198Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingElsevier▲ 2015-×
199Computer-Aided DesignElsevier▲ 2015-×
200Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
201Computers & ChemistryElsevier▲ 2015-×
202Computers & EducationElsevier2003-
203Computers & Electrical EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
204Computers & FluidsElsevier▲ 2015-×
205Computers & GeosciencesElsevier▲ 2015-×
206Computers & GraphicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
207Computers & Industrial EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
208Computers & Mathematics with ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
209Computers & Operations ResearchElsevier2003-2007
▲ 2015-

210Computers & SecurityElsevier▲ 2015-×
211Computers & StructuresElsevier▲ 2015-×
212Computers and Biomedical ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
213Computers and Electronics in AgricultureElsevier▲ 2015-×
214Computers and GeotechnicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
215Computers in Biology and MedicineElsevier▲ 2015-×
216Computers in Human BehaviorElsevier▲ 2015-×
217Computers in IndustryElsevier▲ 2015-×
218Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
219Computing Systems in EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
220Conservation PhysiologyOxfordOA--
221Contemporary Accounting ResearchWiley1997-
222Contemporary PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
223Convergent Science Physical OncologyIOPFree-×
224Corrosion ScienceElsevier2003-2008
225Critical Perspectives on AccountingElsevier▲ 2015-×
226Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
227Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials SciencesTaylor & Francis-1996×
228Crystal Growth & DesignACS2001-×
229Crystallography ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
230Current Opinion in Cell BiologyElsevier2003-2007
231Current Opinion in Systems BiologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
232Data & Knowledge EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
233Database(Oxford Academic)OxfordOA--
234Decision SciencesWiley1997-2015
235Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative EducationWiley2003-2017
236Decision Support SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
237Design StudiesElsevier▲ 2015-×
238DevelopmentThe Company of Biologists1953-××
239Developmental CellElsevier2021-
240Differential Geometry and its ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
241Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural HeritageElsevier▲ 2015-×
242Digital InvestigationElsevier▲ 2015-×
243Digital Signal ProcessingElsevier▲ 2015-×
244Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ)OA--
245Discrete Applied MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
246Discrete MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
247Discrete OptimizationElsevier▲ 2015-×
248DisplaysElsevier▲ 2015-×
249Distributed Systems Engineering IOPFree-×
250DNA ResearchOxfordOA--
251Dynamics and Stability of SystemsTaylor & Francis-1996×
252Earth and Planetary Science LettersElsevier2003-2008
253Ecological EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
254Econometric ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
256Econometrics and StatisticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
257Econometrics JournalWiley1998-2018
258Economic Analysis and PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
259Economic History ReviewWiley1997-
260Economic JournalWiley1998-2018
261Economic ModellingElsevier▲ 2015-×
262Economic PapersWiley1996-2016
263Economic RecordWiley1997-2015
264Economic SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
266Economics & Human BiologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
267Economics LettersElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

268Economics of Education ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
269Economics of TransportationElsevier▲ 2015-×
270Ecosystem ServicesElsevier▲ 2015-×
271ECS AdvancesIOPFree--
272ECS Meeting Abstracts IOPOA-×
273ECS Sensors PlusIOPFree--
274e-Journal of Surface Science and NanotechnologyOA--
275Electric Power Systems ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
276The Electricity JournalElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

277Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
278Electronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
280The EMBO Journal (発行後約1年経過でオープンアクセス化)Wiley1982-2016
281EMBO Reports Wiley2000-2016
282Emerging Markets ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
283Energy & FuelsACS1996-×
284Energy EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
285Energy PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
286Energy Strategy ReviewsElsevier▲ 2015-×
287Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsElsevier▲ 2015-×
288Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceElsevier▲ 2015-×
289Engineerting Research Express IOPFree-×
291Entertainment ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
292Environmental Innovation and Societal TransitionsElsevier▲ 2015-×
293Environmental Modelling & SoftwareElsevier▲ 2015-×
294Environmental Research CommunicationsIOPFree--
295Environmental Research Letters IOPOA×
296Environmental Research: ClimateIOPFree--
297Environmental Research: EcologyIOPFree--
298Environmental Research: HealthIOPFree--
299Environmental Research: Infrastructure and SustainabilityIOPFree--
300Environmental Science & TechnologyACS1996-×
301Environmental Science & Technology LettersACS2014-×
302Environmental SoftwareElsevier▲ 2015-×
303epl:Letters.Journal Exploring Frontirers of Physics (Euro physics Letters) IOP2010-2020×
304European Economic ReviewElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

305European Journal of CombinatoricsElsevier▲ 2015-×
306European Journal of Oncology NursingElsevier2003-2012
307European Journal of Operational ResearchElsevier2003-
308European Journal of PhysicsIOP2013-×
309European Journal of Political EconomyElsevier▲ 2015-×
310European Journal of Purchasing & Supply ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
311European Management JournalElsevier▲ 2015-×
312European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en TélémédecineElsevier▲ 2015-×
313Evaluation and Program PlanningElsevier▲ 2015-×
314Evolution, Medicine, & Public HealthOxfordOA--
315Experimental MathematicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
316Experimental TechniquesWiley1997-2013
317Expert Systems with ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
318Explorations in Economic HistoryElsevier▲ 2015-×
319Expositiones MathematicaeElsevier▲ 2015-×
320Family ProcessWiley1997-2013
321Ferroelectric Letters SectionTaylor & Francis-1996×
322FerroelectricsTaylor & Francis-1996×
323Fiber & Integrated OpticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
324Finance Research LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
325Finite Elements in Analysis and DesignElsevier▲ 2015-×
326Finite Fields and Their ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
327Flexible and Printed ElectronicsIOP2013-×
328Fluid Dynamics ResearchIOP2013-×
329Food PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
330Forensic Science International: Digital InvestigationElsevier▲ 2015-×
331Forest Policy and EconomicsElsevier2003-2016
332Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon NanostructuresTaylor & Francis-1996×
333Functional Composites and Structures IOPFree-×
334Future Generation Computer SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
335FuturesElsevier▲ 2015-×
336Fuzzy Sets and SystemsElsevier2003-
337Games and Economic BehaviorElsevier2003-
338Genes & Development(発行後6か月経過でオープンアクセス化)CSHL1989--×
339Genome Biology and EvolutionOxfordOA--
▲ 2015-

341Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid DymanicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
342Geriatric NursingElsevier2003-2008
343GIGA ScienceOxfordOA--
344Global Finance JournalElsevier▲ 2015-×
345Government Information QuarterlyElsevier▲ 2015-×
346Graphical ModelsElsevier▲ 2015-×
347Graphical Models and Image ProcessingElsevier▲ 2015-×
348HAL (Hyper Articles en Ligne)OA--
349Handbooks in Operations Research and Management ScienceElsevier▲ 2015-×
350HealthcareElsevier▲ 2015-×
351Heart & Lung : The Journal of Acute and Critical CareElsevier2003-2008
352High Pressure Research, An International JournalTaylor & Francis-1996×
353Historia MathematicaElsevier▲ 2015-×
354Human Resource Management ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
355IFAC Journal of Systems and ControlElsevier▲ 2015-×
356Image and Vision ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
357The Imaging Science JournalTaylor & Francis-1996×
358Indagationes MathematicaeElsevier▲ 2015-×
359Industrial & Engineering Chemistry researchACS1996-×
360Industrial Marketing ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
361Information & ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
362Information and ComputationElsevier▲ 2015-×
363Information and OrganizationElsevier▲ 2015-×
364Information and Software TechnologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
365Information Economics and PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
366Information FusionElsevier▲ 2015-×
367Information Processing & ManagementElsevier2003-
368Information Processing LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
369Information SciencesElsevier▲ 2015-×
370Information Sciences - ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
371Information Security Technical ReportElsevier▲ 2015-×
372Information SystemsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

373Inorganic ChemistryACS1996-×
374Instrumentation Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
375Insurance: Mathematics and EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
376Integral Transforms and Special FunctionsTaylor & Francis-1996×
377Integrated FerroelectricsTaylor & Francis-1996×
378IntegrationElsevier▲ 2015-×
379Interdisciplinary Science ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
380International Business ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
381International Economic ReviewWiley1999-
382International EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
383The International Journal of AccountingElsevier2003-2008
384International Journal of Accounting Information SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
385International Journal of Approximate ReasoningElsevier▲ 2015-×
386International Journal of Bio-Medical ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
387International Journal of Child-Computer InteractionElsevier▲ 2015-×
388International Journal of Computer MathematicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
389International Journal of Critical Infrastructure ProtectionElsevier▲ 2015-×
390International Journal of Disaster Risk ReductionElsevier2012-
391International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
392International Journal of Environmental Analytical ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
393International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing IOPOA-×
394International Journal of ForecastingElsevier▲ 2015-×
395International Journal of Heat and Fluid FlowElsevier2003-2008
396International Journal of Hospitality ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
397International Journal of Human-Computer StudiesElsevier▲ 2015-×
398International Journal of Industrial OrganizationElsevier▲ 2015-×
399International Journal of Information ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
400International Journal of Intercultural RelationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
401The International Journal of Management EducationElsevier▲ 2015-×
402International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
403International Journal of Medical InformaticsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

404International Journal of Polymer Analysis and CharacterizationTaylor & Francis-1996×
405International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric BiomaterialsTaylor & Francis-1996×
406International Journal of Production EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
407International Journal of Project ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
408International Journal of Research in MarketingElsevier▲ 2015-×
409International Materials ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
410International Nursing ReviewWiley1998-2015
411International Review of Economics & FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
412International Review of Economics EducationElsevier▲ 2015-×
413International Review of Financial AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
414International Review of Law and EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
415International Reviews in Physical ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
416International Tables for Crystallography IUCr電子書籍に移動しました
417Internet of ThingsElsevier▲ 2015-×
418Inverse ProblemsIOP2013-×
419Inverse Problems in Science and EngineeringTaylor & Francis-1996×
420IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOPOA-×
421IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering IOPOA-×
422IOP SciNotesIOPFree--
423Isotopes in Environmental and Health StudiesTaylor & Francis-1996×
424ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingElsevier▲ 2015-×
427Japan and the World EconomyElsevier▲ 2015-×
428Japanese Economic ReviewWiley1997-2019
429Japanese Journal of Applied PhysicsIOP1962-×
430JOGNN : journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursingWiley1997-2015
431Journal de Mathématiques Pures et AppliquéesElsevier▲ 2015-×
432Journal for Specialists in Pediatric NursingWiley1997-2013
433Journal of Accounting and EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

434Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
435Journal of Accounting EducationElsevier▲ 2015-×
436Journal of Accounting ResearchWiley2001-
437Journal of AdhesionTaylor & Francis-1996×
438Journal of Adhesion Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
439Journal of Advanced NursingWiley1997-
440Journal of Agricaltural and Food ChemistryACS1996-×
441Journal of Air Transport ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
442Journal of AlgebraElsevier▲ 2015-×
443Journal of AlgorithmsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

444Journal of Applied CrystallographyWiley1997-2018
445Journal of Applied LogicElsevier▲ 2015-×
446Journal of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
447Journal of Applied Physics AIP1931-×
448Journal of Applied StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
449Journal of Approximation TheoryElsevier▲ 2015-×
450Journal of Asian EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
451Journal of Banking & FinanceElsevier2003-2007
▲ 2015-

452Journal of Behavioral and Experimental EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
453Journal of Behavioral and Experimental FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
454Journal of Biological ChemistryASBMB1905-×
455Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer EditionTaylor & Francis-1996×
456Journal of Biomedical InformaticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
457Journal of Breath ResearchIOP2013-×
458Journal of Building EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
459Journal of Business & Economic StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
460Journal of Business ResearchElsevier2003-
461Journal of Business VenturingElsevier▲ 2015-×
462Journal of Business Venturing DesignElsevier▲ 2015-×
463Journal of Business Venturing InsightsElsevier▲ 2015-×
464Journal of Carbohydrate ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
465Journal of Cell Biology(発行後6か月経過でオープンアクセス化)RUP1955-×
466Journal of cell SienceThe Company of Biologists1853-×
467Journal of Chemical and Engineering DateACS1996-×
468Journal of Chemical EducationACS1924-×
469Journal of Chemical Information and ModelingACS1996-×
470Journal of Chemical PhysicsAIP1933-×
471Journal of Chemical Theory and ComputationACS2005-×
472The Journal of Chemical ThermodynamicsElsevier2003-2008
473Journal of Choice ModellingElsevier▲ 2015-×
474Journal of Clinical InvestigationJCIOA--
475Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series AElsevier▲ 2015-×
476Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series BElsevier▲ 2015-×
477Journal of Commodity MarketsElsevier▲ 2015-×
478Journal of Comparative EconomicsElsevier2003-2007
▲ 2015-

479Journal of ComplexityElsevier▲ 2015-×
480Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
481Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
482Journal of Computational PhysicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
483Journal of Computational ScienceElsevier▲ 2015-×
484Journal of Computer and System SciencesElsevier2003-2007
▲ 2015-

485Journal of Computer LanguagesElsevier▲ 2015-×
486Journal of Contemporary Accounting & EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
487Journal of Co-operative Organization and ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
488Journal of Co-ordination ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
489Journal of Corporate FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
490Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsIOP2013-×
491Journal of Destination Marketing & ManagementElsevier2003-
492Journal of Development EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
493Journal of Difference Equations and ApplicationsTaylor & Francis-1996×
494Journal of Differential EquationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
495Journal of Discrete AlgorithmsElsevier▲ 2015-2018
496Journal of EconometricsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

497The Journal of Economic AsymmetriesElsevier▲ 2015-×
498Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationElsevier▲ 2015-×
499Journal of Economic Dynamics and ControlElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

500Journal of Economic PsychologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
501Journal of Economic TheoryElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

502Journal of Economics and BusinessElsevier▲ 2015-×
503Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsTaylor & Francis-1996×
504Journal of Empirical FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
505Journal of Energetic MaterialsTaylor & Francis-1996×
506Journal of Energy Finance & DevelopmentElsevier▲ 2015-×
507Journal of Engineering and Technology ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
508Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

509Journal of Experimental BiologyThe Company of Biologists1923-×
510Journal of Experimental BotanyOUP1996-2017×
511Journal of Family Business StrategyElsevier▲ 2015-×
512The Journal of FinanceWiley1997-2018
513Journal of Financial EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

514Journal of Financial IntermediationElsevier▲ 2015-×
515Journal of Financial MarketsElsevier▲ 2015-×
516Journal of Financial StabilityElsevier▲ 2015-×
517Journal of Food ScienceWiley1997-
518Journal of Food Science EducationWileyfree Access-
519Journal of Forest EconomicsElsevier2004-2008
520Journal of Functional AnalysisElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

521Journal of Geometry and PhysicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
522Journal of Geophysics and EngineeringIOP2013-×
523Journal of Health EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
524Journal of High Energy PhysicsIOPFree×
525The Journal of High Technology Management ResearchElsevier▲ 2015-×
526Journal of Hospitality and Tourism ManagementElsevier2003-
527Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism EducationElsevier▲ 2015-×
528Journal of Housing EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
529Journal of Immunoassay and ImmunochemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
530Journal of Industrial EcologyWiley1997-2013
531Journal of Industrial EconomicsWiley1997-2018
532Journal of Industrial Information IntegrationElsevier▲ 2015-×
533Journal of Information and Optimization SciencesTaylor & Francis-1996×
534Journal of Information Security and ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
535Journal of InformetricsElsevier▲ 2015-×
536Journal of InstrumentationIOP2013-×
537Journal of Interactive MarketingElsevier2003-2021
538Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and TaxationElsevier▲ 2015-×
539Journal of International EconomicsElsevier2003-
540Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and MoneyElsevier▲ 2015-×
541Journal of International ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
542Journal of International Money and FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
543Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related TechnologiesTaylor & Francis-1996×
544The Journal of Logic and Algebraic ProgrammingElsevier▲ 2015-×
545The Journal of Logic ProgrammingElsevier▲ 2015-×
546Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in ProgrammingElsevier▲ 2015-×
547Journal of MacroeconomicsElsevier2003-
548Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
549Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
550Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews [Currently known as: Polymer Reviews (2007 - current)]Taylor & Francis-1996×
551Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
552The Journal of Mathematical BehaviorElsevier▲ 2015-×
553Journal of Mathematical EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

554Journal of Mathematical PhysicsAIP1960-×
555Journal of Mathematical PsychologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
556Journal of Medicinal ChemistryACS1996-×
557Journal of Microcomputer ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
558Journal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringIOP2013-×
559Journal of midwifery & woman's healthWiley1996-
560Journal of Midwifery & Women'S HealthElsevier2003-2008
561Journal of Modern OpticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
562Journal of Molecular GraphicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
563Journal of Molecular Graphics and ModellingElsevier▲ 2015-×
564Journal of Monetary EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

565Journal of Money, Credit and BankingWiley2007-×
566Journal of Multinational Financial ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
567Journal of Multivariate AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
568Journal of Natural ProductsACS1996-×
569Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
570Journal of Neural EngineeringIOP2013-×
571Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
572Journal of Nonparametric StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
573Journal of Nuclear Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
574Journal of Number TheoryElsevier▲ 2015-×
575Journal of Nursing ScholarshipWiley1997-2013
576The Journal of NutritionElsevier2023-×
577Journal of OpticsIOP2013-×
578The Journal of Organic ChemistryACS1996-×
579Journal of Outdoor Recreation and TourismElsevier▲ 2015-×
580Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementElsevier2003-2007
581Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
582Journal of Pediatric NursingElsevier2003-2008
583The Journal of Physical Chemistry AACS1996-×
584The Journal of Physical Chemistry BACS1996-×
585The Journal of Physical Chemistry CACS1996-×
586The Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersACS2010-×
587Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and TheoreticalIOP2013-×
588Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsIOP2013-×
589Journal of Physics communications IOPOA-×
590Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsIOP2013-×
591Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIOP2013-×
592Journal of Physics: Condensed MatterIOP2013-×
593Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOPOA-×
594Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementWiley1996-2013
595Journal of Policy ModelingElsevier▲ 2015-×
596Journal of Proteome ResearchACS2002-×
597Journal of Public EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

598Journal of Purchasing and Supply ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
599Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraElsevier▲ 2015-×
600Journal of Radiological ProtectionIOP2013-×
601Journal of Rail Transport Planning & ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
602Journal of Regional ScienceWiley1997-2018
603Journal of RetailingElsevier2003-
604Journal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

605Journal of SemiconductorsIOP2013-×
606The Journal of Socio-EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
607Journal of Statistical Computation and SimulationTaylor & Francis-1996×
608Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and ExperimentIOP2013-×
609Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceElsevier▲ 2015-×
610The Journal of Strategic Information SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
611Journal of Sulfur ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
612Journal of Symbolic ComputationElsevier▲ 2015-×
613Journal of Synchrotron RadiationWiley1997-2018
614Journal of Systems and SoftwareElsevier▲ 2015-×
615Journal of Systems ArchitectureElsevier▲ 2015-×
616Journal of the American Chemical SocietyACS1996-×
617Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyWiley1997-2015
618Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry ACS2020-×
619Journal of the American Statistical AssociationTaylor & Francis-1996×
620The Journal of the Economics of AgeingElsevier▲ 2015-×
621Journal of the Franklin InstituteElsevier▲ 2015-×
622Journal of the Japanese and International EconomiesElsevier2003-
623Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 
624Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)Wiley1997-2018
625Journal of Urban EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

626Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationElsevier▲ 2015-×
627Journal of Visual Languages & ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
628Journal of Vocational BehaviorElsevier▲ 2015-×
629Journal of Web SemanticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
630Journal of Wood Chemistry and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
631Journal of World BusinessElsevier▲ 2015-×
632JPhys Complexity IOPOA-×
633JPhys EnergyIOPOA-×
634JPhys MaterialsIOPOA-×
635JPhys PhotonicsIOPOA-×
636Knowledge-Based SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
638Lab on a ChipRSC2006-2013×
639Labour EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
640The LancetElsevier2003-2008
642Language LearningWiley1997-2018
643The Leadership QuarterlyElsevier▲ 2015-×
644Linear Algebra and its ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
645Linear and Multilinear AlgebraTaylor & Francis-1996×
646Liquid CrystalsTaylor & Francis-1996×
647London Business School ReviewWiley1997-2019
648Long Range PlanningElsevier▲ 2015-×
649Machine Learning: Science and Technology IOPFree-×
651Management Accounting ResearchElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

652Materials at High TemperaturesTaylor & Francis-1996×
653Materials for Quantum TechnologyIOPFree--
654Materials FuturesIOPFree--
655Materials Research Express IOPOA-×
656Materials Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
657Materials Technology (Advanced Performance Materials)Taylor & Francis-1996×
658Mathematical and Computer ModellingElsevierOA×
659Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical SystemsTaylor & Francis-1996×
660Mathematical Modelling and AnalysisTaylor & Francis-1996×
661Mathematical Social SciencesElsevier▲ 2015-×
662Mathematics and Computers in SimulationElsevier▲ 2015-×
663Measurement Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
664Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingElsevier▲ 2015-×
666Medical Image AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
668Microelectronic EngineeringElsevier▲ 2015-×
669Microelectronics JournalElsevier▲ 2015-×
670Microelectronics ReliabilityElsevier▲ 2015-×
671Microprocessing and MicroprogrammingElsevier▲ 2015-×
672Microprocessors and MicrosystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
674Milton QuarterlyWiley1997-2012
675Mineralogical MagazineCUP2013-2016×
676Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and EngineeringIOP2013-×
677Modern Language JournalWiley1997-2012
678Molecular and Cellular BiologyASM1981-2017×
679Molecular Biology of the Cellascb2021-×
680Molecular cellElsevier1995-
681Molecular Crystals & Liquid CrystalsTaylor & Francis-1996×
682Molecular PharmaceuticsACS2004-×
683Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
684Molecular SimulationTaylor & Francis-1996×
685Nano Communication NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
686Nano ExpressIOPFree--
687Nano LettersACS2001-×
689Natural Product Research [Part A and Part B]Taylor & Francis-1996×
690Nature SpringerNature2010-
691nature communicationsSpringerNatureOA--
692Naval Research Logistics: an International JournalWiley1996-2013
693Network SecurityElsevier▲ 2015-2021
694Neural NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
695NeurocomputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
696Neuromorphic Computing and EngineeringIOPFree--
699Neuroscience of ConsciousnessOxfordOA--
700Neutron NewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
701New Journal of PhysicsIOPOA-×
702Nonlinear AnalysisElsevier▲ 2015-×
703Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
704Nonlinear Analysis: Real World ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
706The North American Journal of Economics and FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
707Nuclear FusionIOPOA×
708Nuclear Physics BElsevier▲ 2015-×
709Nuclear Physics NewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
710Nucleic Acids ResearchOxfordOA--
711Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic AcidsTaylor & Francis-1996×
712Numerical Functional Analysis and OptimizationTaylor & Francis-1996×
713Nursing & Health SciencesWiley1999-
714Nursing for Women's HealthWiley1997-2015
715Nursing OutlookElsevier2003-2008
717Online Social Networks and MediaElsevier▲ 2015-×
718Operations Research LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
719Optical Fiber TechnologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
720Optical Switching and NetworkingElsevier▲ 2015-×
721Optics ExpressOA--
722OptimizationTaylor & Francis-1996×
723Optimization Methods and SoftwareTaylor & Francis-1996×
724Organic LettersACS1999-×
725Organic Preparations and Procedures International: The New Journal for OrganicTaylor & Francis-1996×
726Organic Process Research & DevelopmentACS1997-×
727Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesElsevier▲ 2015-×
728Organizational DynamicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

730Oxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsWiley1997-2015
731Pacific-Basin Finance JournalElsevier▲ 2015-×
732Pain Management NursingElsevier2003-2012
733Parallel ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
734Pattern RecognitionElsevier▲ 2015-×
735Pattern Recognition LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
736Performance EvaluationElsevier▲ 2015-×
737Perioperative Care and Operating Room ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
738Pervasive and Mobile ComputingElsevier▲ 2015-×
739Phase Transitions, A Multinational JournalTaylor & Francis-1996×
740Philosophical MagazineTaylor & Francis-1996×
741Philosophical Magazine LettersTaylor & Francis-1996×
742Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related ElementsTaylor & Francis-1996×
743Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
744Physica D: Nonlinear PhenomenaElsevier▲ 2015-×
745Physica ScriptaIOP2013-×
746Physical BiologyIOP2013-×
747Physical CommunicationElsevier▲ 2015-×
748Physical Review Online Archive(PROLA)
(Physical Review Series I, Series II : 1893–1969)
749Physical Review A (Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics)APS1970-×
750Physical Review Acceleraors and BeamsAPSOA-×
751Physical Review Applied APS2014-×
752Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics)APS1970-×
753Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics)APS1970-×
754Physical Review D (Particles Fields,Gravitation,and Cosmology)APS1970-×
755Physical Review E (Statistical,Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics)APS1970-×
756Physical Review FluidsAPS2016-×
757Physical Review LettersAPS1958-×
758Physical Review MaterialsAPS2017-×
759Physical Review Physics Education ResearchAPSOA×
760Physical Review ResearchAPSOA×
761Physical Review XAPSOA×
762Physics and Chemistry of LiquidsTaylor & Francis-1996×
763Physics and Chemistry of MineralsSpringer1977-1996
764Physics EducationIOP2013-×
765Physics in Medicine and BiologyIOP2013-×
766Physics of FluidsAIP1958-×
767Physics of PlasmasAIP1989-×
768Physics TodayAIP1948-×
769Physiological MeasurementIOP2013-×
770The Planetary Science journal IOPOA-×
772Plasma Physics and Controlled FusionIOP2013-×
773Plasma Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
774Plasma Sources Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
775Plastics, Rubber and Composites Macromolecular EngineeringTaylor & Francis-1996×
777Polycyclic Aromatic CompoundsTaylor & Francis-1996×
778Polymer ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
779Polymer-Plastics Technology and EngineeringTaylor & Francis-1996×
780Powder MetallurgyTaylor & Francis-1996×
781Powder TechnologyElsevier2003-2008
782Precision ChemistryACSOA--
783Preparative Biochemistry and BiotechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
784PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate StudiesTaylor & Francis-1996×
785Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (発行後6か月経過でオープンアクセス化)NAS1915-×
786Progress in Biomedical Engineerings IOPFree-×
787Progress in Energys IOPFree-×
788Progress of Theoretical and Experimental PhysicsOxfordOA--
789Public HealthElsevier2003-2008
790Public Health NursingWiley1997-2018
791Public Relations ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
792Quaestiones MathematicaeTaylor & Francis-1996×
793Quantum Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
794The Quarterly Review of Economics and FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
795R&D ManagementWiley1997-2015
796Radiation Effects and Defects in SolidsTaylor & Francis-1996×
797The RAND Journal of EconomicsWiley2006-2017
798Regional Science and Urban EconomicsElsevier2003-
799Reports on Mathematical PhysicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
800Reports on Progress in PhysicsIOP2013-×
801Research in Accounting RegulationElsevier▲ 2015-2018
802Research in Astronomy and AstrophysicsIOP2013-×
803Research in EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
804Research in International Business and FinanceElsevier▲ 2015-×
805Research in Organizational BehaviorElsevier▲ 2015-×
806Research in Social Stratification and MobilityElsevier▲ 2015-×
807Research in Transportation Business & ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
808Research in Transportation EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
809Research PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
810Resource and Energy EconomicsElsevier2003-2008
▲ 2015-

811Resources Conservation and RecyclingElsevier2003-2007
812Resources PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
813Review of Economic DynamicsElsevier2003-
814Review of Financial EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
815Review of Income and WealthWiley1997-2015
816Review of International EconomicsWiley1997-
817Review of Scientific InstrumentsAIP1930-×
818Reviews of Modern PhysicsAPS1929-×
819Ricerche EconomicheElsevier▲ 2015-×
820Robotics and Autonomous SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
821Robotics and Computer-Integrated ManufacturingElsevier▲ 2015-×
822Safety ScienceElsevier▲ 2015-×
823SAR and QSAR in Environmental ResearchTaylor & Francis-1996×
824Scandinavian Journal of EconomicsWiley1997-2018
825Scandinavian Journal of ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
827Science AdvancesOA--
828Science of Computer ProgrammingElsevier▲ 2015-×
829Scientific ReportsSpringerNatureOA--
830Semiconductor Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
831Seminars in Oncology NursingElsevier2003-2008
832Sensors and Actuators A: PhysicalElsevier2003-2008
833Separation and Purification ReviewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
834Separation Science and TechnologyTaylor & Francis-1996×
835Sequential AnalysisTaylor & Francis-1996×
836Signal ProcessingElsevier▲ 2015-×
837Signal Processing: Image CommunicationElsevier▲ 2015-×
838Simulation Modelling Practice and TheoryElsevier▲ 2015-×
839Simulation Practice and TheoryElsevier▲ 2015-×
840Smart HealthElsevier▲ 2015-×
841Smart Materials and StructuresIOP2013-×
842Social Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceOxfordOA--
843Social NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
844Socio-Economic Planning SciencesElsevier▲ 2015-×
845Sociological ReviewWiley1997-2011
846Spatial StatisticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
847Spectroscopy LettersTaylor & Francis-1996×
848Speech CommunicationElsevier▲ 2015-×
849Sports Economics ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
850Statistical MethodologyElsevier▲ 2015-×
851StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
852Statistics & Probability LettersElsevier▲ 2015-×
853Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied StatisticsTaylor & Francis-1996×
854Stochastic Analysis and ApplicationsTaylor & Francis-1996×
855Stochastic ModelsTaylor & Francis-1996×
856Stochastic Processes and their ApplicationsElsevier2003-2007
▲ 2015-

857Stochastics and Stochastic ReportsTaylor & Francis-1996×
858Strategic Management JournalWiley1996-
859Structural Change and Economic DynamicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
860Sulfur ReportsTaylor & Francis-1996×
861Superconductor Science and TechnologyIOP2013-×
862Supramolecular ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
863Surveys in Operations Research and Management ScienceElsevier▲ 2015-×
864Sustainable Computing: Informatics and SystemsElsevier▲ 2015-×
865Sustainable Energy, Grids and NetworksElsevier▲ 2015-×
866Swarm and Evolutionary ComputationElsevier2011-
867Synchrotron Radiation NewsTaylor & Francis-1996×
868SynthesisThieme Chemistry2012-2013×
869Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal ChemistryTaylor & Francis-1996×
870Synthetic CommunicationsTaylor & Francis-1996×
871Systematic BiologyOxfordOA--
872Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeElsevier▲ 2015-×
873Technology in SocietyElsevier▲ 2015-×
874TechnometricsTaylor & Francis-1996×
875TechnovationElsevier▲ 2015-×
876Telecommunications PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
877Telematics and InformaticsElsevier▲ 2015-×
878Theoretical Computer ScienceElsevier▲ 2015-×
880Topology and its ApplicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
881Tourism ManagementElsevier▲ 2015-×
882Tourism Management PerspectivesElsevier2003-
883Transactions of the Indian Ceramic SocietyTaylor & Francis-1996×
884Transport Theory and Statistical PhysicsTaylor & Francis-1996×
885Transportation Research Part C: Emerging TechnologiesElsevier▲ 2015-×
886Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewElsevier▲ 2015-×
887Tribology InternationalElsevier2003-2008
888Utilities PolicyElsevier▲ 2015-×
889Value in HealthElsevier▲ 2015-×
890Value in Health Regional IssuesElsevier▲ 2015-×
891Vehicular CommunicationsElsevier▲ 2015-×
892Virus EvolutionOxfordOA--
893Water Resources and EconomicsElsevier▲ 2015-×
894Wave MotionElsevier▲ 2015-×
895Waves in Random and Complex MediaTaylor & Francis-1996×
896World DevelopmentElsevier▲ 2015-×
897World EnglishesWiley1997-2011
898World Patent InformationElsevier▲ 2015-×

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